Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oct/Nov/Dec #2---Quincy's 3rd Birthday!

We celebrated Quincy's 3rd birthday the same night we celebrated Uncle Mike's 21st (or is it 22nd?---ha!) birthday. I made them a Pink Pig cake---for no reason except it was the only pink thing to make as a cake I could think of that day. When Quincy and Ellie woke up from their naps to a house full of pink balloons, they were ready for a party. But...we couldn't begin until Uncle Mike and Uncle Eric arrived. For close to 20 minutes (which is a lonnnnggg time for a three year old), they both just stared out the window and kept saying (over and over), "Where are Uncle Mike and Eric?". It was very cute!
The birthday boy finally arrived......
After a delicious meal of tacos (Quincy and Mike's favorite), it was time for presents: A new potty (that makes real flushing noises) and baby wipes set for her Chocho doll. She loved it! And still does.....two months later...