Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random Pictures That I Think Are Just Cute.

Quincy and Han Mei's New Room

We decided that rather than Quincy and Han Mei having their own seperate rooms, they would share a room until they decided that they were ready for their own rooms. So, a few weeks ago we went out and purchased a new bedroom suite, including bunk-beds. Quincy LOVES her new "big-girl" bed! She keeps stating that when her big sister comes home, she (Quincy) will be moving to the top bunk. What she doesn't know is that there will be no top bunk at that time....we'll convert them into twin beds for obvious reasons until they get older. I'm sure she will like the two side-by-side beds just fine when she has a sister to share them with. Ahhh, can't wait.....just a couple of more months!

Quincy's Big Christmas Present....

Santa gave Quincy her very own Inflatable-Bouncy-Thing for Christmas. We originally planned to put it in the basement but discovered that it fits perfectly inside one of the spare rooms in the house (never could have done it at the old place....).

Christmas Day, 2008

Quincy and her cousin Eli playing outside before the "Big Present Opening".

Always behind....random pictures from last December..

I think Quincy is going to be an engineer.....

Quincy and her good friend Tess....