Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall Festival Part 2

After the parade we all went to the carnival---which the girls loved loved loved!  They got to ride on all the rides that they were tall enough for (all three of them....)....


....and they got their faces painted....
..and had their first snow cones!

...and then went home and had a much-needed bath and a three hour nap!  It was a great day!
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Fall Festival Part 1

The Duluth Fall Festival was last Saturday and it was soooo much fun!  It began at the high school (that I have worked at for 16 years), continued down Main Street, and ended at the festival itself. 

Some of my favorite former students!

The girls waiting to collect all the candy coming their way....

Amy Nicholos! September?  Quincy asked later that day if that was the real Santa or a pretend Santa.

This was my favorite thing in the parade.  Those crazy Shriners!

And a stage coach with a dog on top of it!!!

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Random September Photos Part 2

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Random September Photos Part 1

It's finally cooling off outside (at least in the mornings) so we are hitting the playground again.  Last year Ellie surprised us when she just did the monkey bars one day (and we didn't teach her).  This year she surprised us by doing the swinging monkey bars---she has a super upper body strength and the
 coordination to go with it.

Quincy, on the other hand, likes to just hang from the first one and then fall.

This is the third year we are getting major use out of The Big Bouncy Thing.  When the temperature allows it, we haul it outside and let the girls go at it.  They love to lay on it as it's blowing up so it flings them off when it gets "full".

....and it's cool enough to go the the Greenway and ride bikes.  One of Ellie's training wheels fell off twice on our ride last weekend.  I am taking this as a sign from God it's time for the training wheels to go.  We have been practicing at no-training-wheels for the past week and today she made a jump.  Maybe one more week until she's good-to-go?  Who knows...

Tim illustrating what it's supposed to look like....

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