Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our new blog and some September Photos

So, in the previous month Quincy has learned many new things. Among them are pulling herself to a standing position and walking (as long as she is holding on to something or someone!). When she first learned to pull herself up, she absolutely FREAKED out when she couldn't get down. I discovered this one afternoon when I heard panicked screaming coming from her room during nap time. After comforting her and drying her tears, we worked on "falling on her rear" for the next half an hour. That fixed it---but maybe a little too well. For the next few days after that, she had a difficult time going to sleep as she discovered how much fun standing in her crib and then falling on to a bouncy mattress can be. When I would put her down for a nap, I would just hear loud giggles coming from her room and I knew what she was up to. I LOVE her!!! Anway, that new past-time has since stopped and she is now once-again back to normal napping.....

The latest new thing with Quincy is "teething". Quincy came to us with two teeth. Since that time, she has gained six more for a total of eight(!). As each new set of teeth popped in, we would just marvel as Quincy exhibited absolutely none of the classical teething signs that I hear from other mothers and fathers. She NEVER cried or drooled or became even the slightest bit fussy. Well....all that changed two days ago. Quincy's molars must be coming in...and she let us know in a BIG way! Our sweet, happy baby that has only cried (with us) about five times (standing in the crib---see above---being one of those times) just wailed and wailed all night long and ended up getting only about four hours of sleep due to this (as did I, but oddly enough Tim slept through the whole thing...). The next day was no different. She constantly was chewing on her fingers and she just cried and cried the whole day (see picture of waayyy unhappy Quincy to the left). We gave her baby Motrin and that would help for awhile, but then the cycle would just continue. Thankfully it turned out to be a short lived teething episode and we have our "normal" baby back today. I'm hoping for a normal night's rest (you know, the type that Tim gets...) for all tonight.

I have included a picture of Quincy at breakfast that those with dogs can understand. That's all I need to say on the subject. Bad dog.

Fall is arriving so we can all begin to enjoy being outdoors again!! (And I get to dress Quincy in a whole new wardrobe.....sooo fun!!!)

Some of Quincy's new playthings.....