Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oct/Nov/Dec #1---The Babysitters!

Above are Amanda, Sara, and Emily: World Class Sitters.

I have THE BEST babysitters in the world! At least for one year at a time. I teach primarily juniors in AP Physics and while they are my current students I get to know them pretty well (okay, super well actually!). During the period of time I am their teacher, I use this time to make up my mind who will be my babysitter(s) the following year. When that group of kids become seniors, I have them as sitters for one year before they go off to college, during which I am grooming the next set of kids (my current Juniors) to be my sitters the following year. I love these kids (above) like my own children and I hope that Ellie and Quincy grow up to be like them in sooo many ways: Intelligent, funny, modest, silly, and GOOD. When Tim and I need a sitter, we usually get two or three at a time (for the price of one). They come over as a group and play with our kids until bedtime, after which they hang out with each other and watch TV and eat junk food like they would on any typical Saturday night at their own homes. This is genuinely what they like to do on a Saturday night...and Ellie and Quincy reap the benefits of it.

Amanda and Quincy.
Sara and Ellie-bean.
Quincy and Ellie chowing down on cookies (which they NEVER get to do unless the sitters are with them!).