Saturday, March 13, 2010

Random Feb/Mar Photos 3

Quincy helping Ellie read a Bob Book.

Last weekend we took the girls to their first Lady Gladiator soccer game (the varsity girl's team at Tim's HS). Ellie likes to kick soccer balls, and she's pretty good at it, so we figured we would let her see soccer in action before she joins her first soccer league next Fall.

Random Feb/Mar Photos 2

Winter is finally going away and we are now getting brief glimpses of Spring. It was close to 70 degrees a few weekends ago, so we hauled out The Big Bouncy Thing and let the girls do their thing.

Random Feb/March Photos 1

Quincy about to break an ankle in a pair of my boots.
Ellie's and Quincy's current favorite game is "Bag Lady". This is a game that they created where they collect all of their "things" and carry them downstairs and then proceed to load everything on the couch and burrow under it. It's really cute...until I have to clean it all up.

Just thought I'd stick this photo in of Cosmo...because I love him.