Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ellie's Last T-Ball Game

Today was Ellie's last T-Ball game of the season. It was also the last time she will get to play with the GREAT group of kids that were on both her T-Ball team and her soccer team. Next season the sports league she plays in separates the kids by gender. It's kind-of sad...the kids all get along great but the parents all get along great, too! So great that we will still socialize with a lot of the parents even though our kids will now be on different teams.  So, not too sad....
Getting her last pep-talk before her last at-bat....

Her last at-bat....and it was solid!

Her last run into home....

...And her last time being carried off the T-ball field by Dad....we're switching back to soccer next season! 

And then year-round swim team in two years???? 
Keeping my fingers crossed....
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Quincy and Ellie are on an art kick. Ellie likes drawing anything, but Quincy likes telling stories...multiple page stories ...with stapled pages. Rather than let thousands of sheets of paper pieces of art collect dust sitting around the house, I have been photographing them (only just over the last year) so I can put them in photo books at the end of each year. I am thinking they will get a good laugh at these in later years....

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