Friday, April 12, 2013


She's growing up ( sniff sniff...)
Her gift from us?  A remote-control helicopter so she can play with her dad.
The girls get big birthday parties for their 7th birthdays---Ellie's is next weekend.  Her whole class is invited so it should be interesting.... because I don't know any of them.  
 Her cake this year  will be a Kermit theme....but for close to 40 people. 
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Monday, April 8, 2013

March and April in a glance

March flew by and I feel like we're on the down-slope of April.
Here's what's been happening:

We had a tornado scare so we headed to the basement.  What you can't see is that Quincy is dressed up as a princess under her coat.  Q'uel surprise.
We were totally thrilled to find that our bullfrog, Prince Naveen, stayed the winter with us.   Can you find him?
Ellie continues her love-a-thon with her teacher, Mrs. Millan.  90% (no lie) of her papers that come home have "I love Mrs. Millan!", or "Mrs. Millan Rocks!" (??? we don't even say "rocks" in this house so I have zero clue where she gets that phrase), or "Mrs. Millan is so beautiful" (okay, she really is) written all over them. 

Apparently Ellie devoted an Easter Egg to Mrs. Millan. (???)

Quincy still doesn't understand that you are not supposed to reach in and pull the eggs out of the dye with your hands.
Awkward family photo before the Easter vigil.  It was long.  Three and a half hours long.   But beautiful! (the vigil, not the photo:)

Aunt Liz decorating cupcakes with Quincy on Easter.... 
...while Ellie and Jack built a new Lego thing (fire-fighting plane I think).

We finally got the girls baptized---and just in time:  Ellie turns seven this week (which is a deadline). 

Aunt Cathy and Uncle Dave are the girl's Godparents.  Cathy's father is a Deacon at our church and he performed the baptism.  It couldn't have been more perfect. 

Taylor, Sarah, and Meagan with the girls.  Shout out to Taylor who is one of 3 students chosen from all of the students in the USA to go to Istanbul to present her science fair project.  WOW.  And she's like 6 feet tall and gorgeous.  And really (really) nice. 

After the baptism we came home and played croquet.

And then we went to Medieval Times.  Weird combo---baptism in the a.m. and Medieval Times in the p.m.---but it was AWESOME (and completely cheesy)!!!  The girls loved it!

Spring break ended yesterday for the girls.  I think Quincy spent about 75% of the break dressed up in some type of princess or fairy outfit.

Ellie beat me in croquet.  And I didn't let her. 
Oh, and she loves just wearing normal (non-princess) clothes. 
Tink is so sweet.
And for the 5th (?) year, the Big Bouncy Thing comes out again.  I wonder if the girls will still use it when they're in college.
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