Friday, June 22, 2012

Swim Team Update

The girls are doing pretty gosh-darn well in swimming this summer (I am a proud mommy!).  Every meet we watch them get better and better but they have never had to compete against each other...until last night.  They were each competing in the 25 free and the 25 back...but at the same time.  As a mom, I wasn't looking forward to that.  At all. ultimately turned out sooo well!  Ellie won 1st in free (with Quincy a close 2nd) and Quincy won 1st in back (with Ellie a close 2nd).  Someone was smiling on the Maley's last night!

The meet was against the Mallards (we are the Fins, as in shark fins) and we were encouraged to make posters to show our team spirit....I think we met the challenge!  I have a feeling this poster-making-gig will be around for the Maleys for a long time.  It was fun!

The (long) drive home--The Disney Aftermath

This is what we had for FIVE of the 7.5 hours of the trip.  They were that worn out!  This was THE best vacation we have ever had.  Hands down. (at least until next year's Schroeder-Maley vacation!)

Disney Day 5, Part 2---The Magic Kingdom Again (for the last time...)

Splash Mountain!  (Tim and Ellie in the back seat)

We had to (again!) pry Ellie off the fuzzy creatures.
Buzz Lightyear (again!).  This was a GREAT ride!

Our last parade :(

Snow White (and Prince Charming) spotted Quincy (who looked JUST like Snow White!) in the crowd.  It was kind of neat!

Back at the resort to have a mellow evening before we headed out the next morning.

Searching for lizards in the rocks.

The hair-aftermath of all the hair-goop from the salon.

Karson is just sooo awesome.  Wish we could see him (and the whole Schroeder clan!) more than once per year :(

...and last up:  Some funny out-takes courtesy of Disney!  Above, Julie and Karson (front seat), Quincy (not happy!) and moi (second seat)!

Disney, Day 5, Part 1---It's all about the princesses

Our last full-day began with Princess make-overs at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Salon at Cinderella's Castle. 




What they all (well,  actually just Kali and Quincy) had been waiting for the ENTIRE trip!

After their make-overs was breakfast with the princesses at Cinderella's Castle. 

Wishing on their wishing stars (per Cinderella's request).  I think they came true. 

My life is a dream so I know mine did!