Monday, May 30, 2011

Quincy's First Recital

Quincy's first dance recital was one of the cutest (and funniest!) things I have ever seen.  There were eight dance groups, each doing a dance for about 4-ish minutes.  The age group for the kids was 4 to 5 years old.  I think that probably gives you the only mental image necessary for this.  Uncle Mike and Uncle Eric went to the recital with us.  After it was over, they both made the comment that they really need to start going to these things more often, even if they don't know any of the performers, just for a good laugh.  And a good laugh is what we all got.  It was sooo sooo soooo cute!!!
We were not allowed to take any photos or video during the performance but I am going to spend a small fortune to purchase the DVD of the show.  Once I get the DVD I will upload Quincy's class performance (if I am legally allowed to...not really sure about the whole copy-right thing....). 

She was thrilled with her flowers!
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Ellie's last day of pre-school

Ellie's last day of pre-school was last Friday and her school had an end-of-the-year party to celebrate the occasion.  The theme was "Spread your Wings", so I made butterfly-shaped sandwiches and cookies to go along with the theme.  It was fun (I love love love being a mom!)!!! 

Receiving her diploma (???) from the head of her school
(who we love).

She is just such a happy kid!