Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our New House

It's ready...and we close on Friday, September 19th. We will officially move in on the 22nd. We CAN'T wait.....While we have enjoyed our rental for the summer, we are tired of living out of boxes.

The above picture is of the sitting room in the master bedroom. We have no idea what we are going to do with that much space. But we can't wait to figure it out!
Part of the kitchen looking into the family room (left) and dining room (right).
The front of the house. Typical suburban house with no character...but you can't beat the school district!
The view from the basement door into the backyard. The green area behind our house is protected and will never be developed. Yay! And...we have a blank slate to begin another landscape it!

An Evening at the Park

The day before my birthday, we went to my favorite Italian restaurant for dinner and then to the park next door for dessert. It ended up being a fun lesson in static electricity....

End of Summer Party

One of Tim's co-workers had a back-to-school party the weekend before the kids had to return to school. She had beverages and food for the adults and she rented an inflatable for the kids. As it turned out, after numerous beverages, the adults took over the inflatable and the kids were sent to the swing....

A Day at the Aquarium

The last day before school started back up, we went to the aquarium. The last few times we went (pre-Quincy) it was sooo crowded it was not a pleasant experience. However, this time was different. There were hardly any made for a wonderful first aquarium visit with Q.


Our former neighbors, Andy and Jenny, invited us over for dinner one summer night. While the food was grilling, Tess and Quincy took the opportunity to take a little dip in the you can tell, we forgot her bathing suit.

After dinner, Jenny disappeared with the girls. A few minutes later, they reappeared in full fairy costume. Quincy liked it so much I went out and purchased her her own costume the very next day. And I said I wouldn't spoil much for that!


Early in the summer, we took Quincy to the annual butterfly-release at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. It was suggested that the kids dress in bright colors to attract the butterflies. As you can tell from the pictures, we followed their instructions....Quincy looked just like a flower!

Her own butterfly antennae....

A Reunion in St. Louis

While in China, we traveled with several families that we became very close to. Time has passed since our Gotcha Day, but we have all kept up with each other and have become even closer friends over the past year. We made a promise to each other that we would get our girls together at least once a year and so our first reunion was held in St. Louis, midway between us all. It was LOADS of fun....can't wait till next time!

After a long day of sweating at Grant Farm, it was time for the hotel pool.....

St. Louis Botanical Garden

Goodbye, St. was fun!!!

Trying to get the girls to focus long enough to grab a decent picture of them was hilarious!