Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our Backyard "Screen on the Green"

It has been sooooo pretty out lately and we have been sooooo crazy busy (seriously, sometimes I feel like I'm going bonkers we've been sooo busy) that we took a breather on Friday night and stayed in (out?) and watched a movie in the backyard on the big inflatable movie screen.  The Movie?  Mulan (is there any movie better for a girl to watch?). 

Quincy almost made it through the whole movie....almost.  She zonked out about 3/4 of the way through.  It was a good, relaxing evening to recharge us all.Posted by Picasa

It's getting close to Q's first recital.....

...and from the looks of things I'm not sure if the kids are going to be ready....but at least they'll look cute!
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What does Quincy do while Ellie has T-Ball practice?

Anything that will keep her entertained.

Spring Planting

We are having a BEAUTIFUL Spring!  Not too hot, not too cold.  If Georgia could stay like this forever I wouldn't dread the summer so much.