Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two completely random photos...

Ellie was playing with a Barbie in the bathtub the other day and said, "Look Mommy, Barbie is doing Ballet".  Ouch. 
Above (on the right in the mess of dogs) is Judy's new dog, Granger.  He is a love....

Slumber Party

One weekend the girls wanted to sleep in the same bed.  Ellie has twin-over-twin bunk beds, Quincy has a full---both of those are too small for the girls to sleep in without waking each other (and, more importantly, us) up all night.  So, into the guest room it was.  They had a great time...

Christmas Photos...no further explanation needed...

Random November Photos, Part 6

The day I put the outdoor Christmas lights up was the first cold day of the entire year.  The girls wanted to come outside and "help" but they had to get all bundled up first.  I told them to pick whatever clothes they wanted to but just make sure it is warm.  This is what they came up with.  I have no idea why our neighbors avoid us.

Random November Photos, Part 5

The day I put the Christmas tree and stockings up I re-visited how Santa is planning on getting in our house on Christmas eve (it has been a year since we last spoke about Santa and that is forever ago in the life of a four year old).  A little while later I overheard the girls having a conversation with each other about Santa and saying, "There is no way someone as big as Santa can come down that hole".  Funny. 

Random November Photos, Part 4

Over Thanksgiving Break, Judy came in to town and stayed the weekend.  We all stayed up way too late talking....but conversation was just too good to waste time sleeping.  We ended up doing a lot over the weekend but like a complete goof I didn't take my camera anywhere with me the whole weekend (like on the SIX mile bike ride we went on with the girls---they rode and we walked the dogs alongside them).  I felt those miles the next day...Judy was just fine. 
The day after Thanksgiving we took the girls ice skating for the first (and, if Quincy has her way, the last) time.  I don't think Tim has ever been skating and I haven't been since my early twenties.  Thankfully Bill's two sons, Ryan and Patrick, are ridiculously coordinated and made it so the girls could actually get out on the ice without having to physically support their parents.

Brother Bill showing the girls what it's supposed to be like....

Ryan texting (???) and skating at the same time.  I have totally forgotten what it's like to be young and not worried about breaking a hip.

The girls completely adored Bill's kids....who wouldn't?
Would you believe Tim is 44????
After we left the rink, we went to get our Christmas tree.  What a great day....

Random November Photos, Part 3

Random November Photos, Part 2

Ellie had her last soccer game of the season in November.  Her goal tally ended up being somewhere close to 8 goals (one of them we're unsure about).  She did great and blossomed sooo much!  Her end of the season trophy was a bronzed bobble head girl soccer player and it now proudly sits on the shelf of her desk in her room. 

Random November Photos, Part 1

We had beautiful (and kind of too hot!) weather all the way through November so we were able to spend most evenings outside playing until much later than we would have typically been able to.   That weather is now long gone....