Thursday, April 8, 2010


Easter Egg hunt in the morning at home.....

And the Easter Egg hunt in the afternoon at Mimi and Grandpa's.....

I think they had a good time....

Coloring the Easter Eggs

All ready in their matching aprons....

Mommy, as seen through the eyes of Quincy

Do you see all the lines at the bottom of the drawing? Well, those are my knees. All six of them. At least she didn't say they were wrinkles. Or necks.

Monkey Bars

The other day we went to a park that we haven't visited since winter began last November. This park has monkey bars, where as the park that we typically go to doesn't have them. After swinging on the swings for a while, the girls ran down to the section of the park that has the monkey bars. Ellie immediately grabbed hold of the first bar and made it all the way to the other end without falling! I have no idea where she learned this since she was too little to do this the last time we were at this playground. After she completed it and I picked my jaw up off the ground I thought, "Where is my camera?". And then I remembered my new, super-smart phone. And then I remembered the video-thing on my new, super-smart phone. I love that phone.

Quincy is still working on mastering them.... :)

I have a new phone (and it's waayyy smarter than I am)!

I took Ellie and Quincy to school with me the other day just because I could (yes, my principal gave me permission). They spent the first period of the day playing in the AP Physics C teacher's classroom while the students in that classroom reviewed for a test. During that time, I discovered that my new super-smart phone can take amazing videos...this video is, however, not really that amazing, it's just the first one I took so it gets the honor of being placed in the blog.