Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Happy Halloween! 
The night started with a super fun party at my friend Julie's house.  She made the best, most creative spread of spooky treats---including "Bloody Maley Mix" (non-alcoholic!).  The girls LOVED it!!!!
Ellie and Quincy went as flowers this year---Ellie was a sunflower and Quincy was a rose.

Their first house of the evening....

....and their first treat!
One of the houses was a little scary so Ellie did that one solo....

...but they all thought the Wolfman was a friendly little puppy....

I don't have a clue who/what this was but it was cute so I snapped a photo.....

 Last up was the super-spooky cemetary...but since the girls have no idea what a cemetary is they weren't fazed at all!

The girls were sooo tired by the time we got back home they fell asleep on the stairs while Tim and I were taking the dogs out and unpacking the car.  This was the best year ever for Halloween! 
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Monday, October 31, 2011

And now there are two that are five!

Quincy is now five...something she has been waiting for for six loonnngggg months (ever since Ellie turned five!).  What did she want for her birthday?  Five books...because that's what Ellie got.  Funny....

And....while Quincy was busy turning five, Uncle Mike was busy turning 25...for the 23rd time....

This year's cake?  A pink Poodle....
...and awesome friends to share it with!

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