Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Quincy read books 1-3 of HP a couple of years ago but we wouldn't let her move on to the rest until she got a little older (there's some scary stuff in them!).
This summer she devoured 4, 5, 6, and 7 and is now very much a Harry Potter fan :)

When we first arrived to the park we met these three cuties...

First stop, Hogwarts!

The first ride we went on had these disclaimers spaced in five feet intervals while we were waiting in line.
Notice the man throwing up.
Due to this, Kali and I opted out at the last minute and I'm really glad we did.
As I was waving goodbye to the rest of the gang as they were beginning the ride in their cart, one of the workers was cleaning throw-up off of an empty cart adjacent to theirs.


Quaffle, Bludgers, and a Golden Snitch.

Diagon Alley and Gringotts
(I went on that ride---it was fun!)

The dragon on the top of Gringotts shot out actual flames (fire!) at random intervals.  If you were standing under it at the time it happened you really felt the heat!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Kali's BIG Surprise!!

The girls had known for a couple of months that we were meeting the Schroeders in Orlando....but Kali knew nothing.  She didn't even know she was going to Orlando until the morning of.  
When Quincy and Ellie walked into the hotel and Kali finally saw them, it took her a moment to register what was happening...and then the shrieking began (seriously, it was loud)!

 Of course we got adjoining rooms's the only way to do it :)