Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We just got back from The Best Vacation Ever!  Our annual Maley-Schroeder vacation this year was to Disney world and it was nothing less than fabulous on every level.  We got very little sleep since there was just too much to do and too much to catch up on with one of our most favorite families that we only get to see once a year.  I took a gazillion photos but will only post one right now until I look through the rest.  Stay tuned for a very very very long post---maybe next week? The girls have their tap recital dress rehearsal tomorrow after swim team, their actual recital on Sunday, and then life calms down to our summer pace.  Ahhhh...summer....
On our last full day, the girls each got a Princess Make-Over at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and then had breakfast with all the princesses at Cinderella's Castle!  Dreams really do come true!

As Kali so perfectly stated, "I have been waiting for this my whole life!"