Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christmas 2013, Part 5 (Christmas Morning)

Engineering activities from Uncle's Mike and Eric....

...Goldiblocks and an electrical wiring kit from us....

...and more books!
...and some new games....
Blokus is their current favorite....

The first circuit they built. 
We're planning on having them re-wire our master bath when we re-do it.

...and Snitch gave the girls Bean Boozled jelly beans on his last night....
Each box contains two of each color bean, one being a yummy taste (ex, pear) and the other being nothing that you would ever choose to eat (ex, vomit).  
The fun being you have no idea which one you're going to get.
In the above photo Quincy got the better bean...

Christmas 2013, Part 4 (Christmas Eve)

The night before Christmas we made 
Gingerbread cookies for Santa....

Quincy's masterpiece unfortunately 
didn't make the cut for Santa....

...we watched The Polar Express...
... the girls had their bells ready....

...we read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas...

....left Santa cookies and milk....

...and left him some kind words...

..and then left some food for 
the Reindeer on the roof.....

What a great life.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Christmas 2013, Part 3 (Botanical Garden)

We finally went to the Botanical Garden's Christmas event
and it was sooo worth it!
In addition to the  beautiful lights they had refreshment stands (for kids AND adults :) scattered throughout the event.
Totally going back next year!

They even had a big firepit where the kids (and adults) could make smores.

Christmas 2013, Part 2 (Snitch)

Snitch came back again and apparently this year was all about the candy.
I'm sure our dentist would be happy.

Soooo...since Snitch left candy for the girls, they decided to leave some for him, too.
Which, of course, he gobbled all up.