Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's

After we opened up our presents, we motored on over to the Grandparents to spend the big part of Christmas with Quincy's Grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Quincy had a great time....playing with all the boxes and paper!

Christmas Morning

We are trying very hard not to spoil Quincy. Our plan is to only get her toys that have some sort of educational value. The one exception to that rule is her new "cell-phone" (okay, it's a total fake with a recorded message that is our voices). We purchased this phone for her in the hopes that it would pacify her so she wouldn't pick up the real phone and make bogus phone calls. She loved it for all of one hour as we took it to Grandma and Grandpa's later that morning and it is now officially lost. Oh well.

Her BIG present she received is a table and chair set that is just her size. I stained it avacado green (sounds gross but it's actually really pretty) and her seat cushions are big pink flowers. When she laid her eyes on it Christmas morning, she literally squealed (and I mean squealed) with delight. She absolutely LOVES it!!! She sits at it every chance she gets to play with her blocks, puzzles, new xylophone (another Christmas present), etc. It was a good gift.....