Sunday, November 18, 2007


One of Quincy's favorite places to sit is in Otis' dog-food bowl. While it's kind-of gross, it's also kind-of cute....

Yesterday we went to the "Pink-Pig" train ride at Macy's. I guess it's a long-standing Atlanta holiday tradition and since we live in Atlanta and we now have a child, we're playing the game.....
It was a little chilly, so we bundled her up in her new sweater that her BFF, Lucy, bought for her for her birthday and headed out....

When we got to the ride, she was more interested in her shoe than the pepto-bismol-pink Atlanta tradition. We'll try again next year when she's a little older and see if she likes it any better....

The First Hair-Cut (and Black-eye!!)

Quincy's hair was finally long enough to take her in for a much-needed trim. We took her to a funky children's hair cuttery in downtown Decatur that we had made reservations at a week prior. I was so excited as her hair really needed to be cleaned-up, but I was also excited as it was another "first" that I could take pictures of for her future photo album of life (Tim thinks I am sooo lame for doing this). The only problem was the night before we took her in, she fell and got her first official black-eye with a rather large face-scratch to go along with it. AND, as if that wasn't bad enough, after her hair cut, her bangs weren't long enough to hide all of her older, yellowing face-bruises and they became painfully obvious (when she falls, she falls face-first). Oh, well. It will just make her photo-album more interesting....

The pictures are before, during, and after-cut pictures with the last one being at dinner afterwards looking all spiffy...


Quincy went as a dragon or a dinosaur...not really sure what she was....but whatever animal she was channeling, she sure was cute!!

Oh! She actually went trick-or-treating down the street (we just stuck her in the front garden for a photo-op...)