Saturday, February 13, 2010


Ellie is hands-down the happiest child I have ever (EVER) this is just another ordinary day of happiness for her! I have no words that are strong enough to describe the joy that she brings our family every single day. It is hard to believe that she has only been a part of this family for nine's hard to remember what life was like before Ellie.
Bringing our sled---okay, a trashcan lid---out of the basement to take a ride. Note: Our new dog-door is in the background...that story is in another post.

You betcha!
Total happiness.


Radiant in getting to play in the snow again! This is Quincy's fourth big snowfall, but I am not sure if she remembers the others. Like Ellie, Quincy is an absolute joy...her giggles sound like an Elf (other people's words, but it is true)...and when she does laugh, it makes others laugh along with her! Three years ago I never would have imagined that life could ever be this perfect...and I am not just saying that for the purpose of a really is true! Getting ready to sled down the hill in our backyard...

The end of the sled ride, at the bottom of the hill...

Quincy and Ellie doing what they do best....being sisters (yes, those are Ellie's feet sticking out from under Quincy).


Otis, being Otis....
Cosmo, being Cosmo...
Our front yard the night it snowed (with our great snowman in the background).

Our was soooo pretty! handsome dog.

Our first Snowman in the New House

Ohhhhh...Ellie got to see her first real snow! And it was PERFECT snow...super light and fluffy---just right for building a snowman!

Ballet and Puzzles

Quincy has the flexibility of a rubber band. Seriously, she just bends and stretches all over the place, pirouetting and dancing like the characters in the books she reads. This summer we are finally beginning ballet lessons for her...I can NOT wait to see her in her little outfit...
Ellie, on the other hand, has the flexibility of her mother, which is not great anymore now that I am 44 (!) years old. But she is great at a lot of other things, soccer and jig-saw puzzles among them. Give Ellie a puzzle and she will work on it for hours until it is finished. That girl has great concentration skills!

TBS Movie and a Makeover Shoot

A lonnngggg story, but we were contacted by WTBS to see if our family wanted to participate in a dog-themed Movie-and-a-Makeover. We didn't know anything about this program, so we went to their website and did some research. The MMO show airs Saturdays at 11 am and shows a room make-over in conjunction with a movie. The makeovers that we saw online were awesome so we jumped at the chance to participate. forward to the present day: Since the downturn in the economy, their makeovers have turned into product-placement makeovers. Fourteen people descended on our house for close to 12 hours last week to film commercials for dog-related products, anywhere from Purina food products to a dog door. Our make-over? A dog door. Yep....a dog door. Even though we didn't get a 10K makeover, we had a GREAT time and I got to pick the designer's brain about paint colors for our walls (which saved me having to hire---and pay--- a designer to come out to the house this summer to pick colors).
This was the scene while they were trying to shoot a commercial for the dog-food. Turner people flew in from NEW YORK for this was surreal. Forteen people to film a dog food commercial?!?
One of the TBS people arranging the dog-food just-so for the shoot. This took about an hour. I am not kidding. An HOUR.

Ellie reading to the on-camera designer, Brian. Brian and his partner want kids in the near future super-bad so Brian couldn't get enough of ours. Ellie has a grape in her mouth...hence the bulge in her cheek.

Cosmo enjoying some of the perks given to us by TBS....