Sunday, May 18, 2014

Easter weekend, 2014

Aunt Liz, Uncle Joe, and Jack came and spent Easter weekend with us....
....and whenever they do the girls have a blast!
(and what I mean by "blast" is "get super dirty")

This weekend was kind-of rainy at the beginning so the ground was good and muddy.
For some reason this was the optimum time to go to the stream in the back of the property and play.


We colored Easter eggs.....

...and then went out an found more mud.
With a skateboard.

Which, of course, made the kids even more muddy.

The Easter Bunny needs to not bring so much candy next year.....

....and after the big egg-hunt the kids went back out to the stream....
....and Jack fell in.
Which was the perfect opportunity to hop in the shower and get ready to have lunch with Uncle Bill and Aunt Jill :)