Wednesday, April 9, 2014

March---it went by super fast, too!

The tree in our front yard is finally getting big enough to climb.

The girls decided to re-do the snow days....
.....but without snow.  
Oddly enough it worked pretty well.

Ellie purchased a pair of roller blades with the Christmas money from Uncle Mike and Aunt Steph.....
....Quincy decided to stick with climbing trees after trying them out.

Haemi, again.  

Ellie found a baby salamander by the pond :)

Quincy and her 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Petrina....
...taken right before the first grade musical....

...where Quincy's class signed their song this year 
(in addition to singing :)

....and Quincy with her two BFF's, Liana (AKA Rapunzel) and Ali (AKA Little Miss Muffet).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

We celebrated CNY this year with The Gang.  
An hour before the party the girl's had their piano lessons with Haemi---
---the best piano teacher in the world :)

Outfits courtesy of my current and former students :)

February---it went by fast!

The girls (and Liana!) went to their first Robotics Scrimmage.  
Above are some of my (super wonderful) students who built the robot.

Safety glasses...because safety never takes a holiday. :)

John Edgar...who the girls love sooo much....
.....and he loves them right back :)

And we got to spend some great time with Quincy's BFF---who I love like a 3rd child :)