Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Day of School


On the first day of school I sent the girls in
 with a load of cake pops for the front office staff,  their current teachers,  and their former teachers.
Gotta start the year off right.

.....and when they got home Quincy began her new year of dance (ballet and character dance this year.....Ellie is just sticking with gymnastics).

This is Quincy's fourth year of dance with Haley :)
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Random Playdates


We just discovered the best playground....and I'm not naming it because I don't think too many people know about it and I want it to stay that way ;)

I would have gotten a migraine and thrown up if I did this.....

....but Quincy just fell off and laughed! 

Ellie is a living demo for centripetal motion...

The above idea seemed like a good idea at the time...

Quincy was climbing up a slide.... which is typically no big deal.
But this slide was two stories tall....which makes it a big deal.
Her face cracks me up. 

I made the girls a doll house out of cardboard boxes. I even electrically wired it and installed lights and a working ceiling fan.  A couple of days after I completed it Quincy asked me if she and Ellie were really good up until Christmas if they could get some doll people for their dollhouse for Christmas.   What she didn't know was that I was planning on purchasing a "real" dollhouse for them the following weekend as a surprise.   When I asked her if she would also like a real dollhouse, too, she got a confused look on her face and said, "Why would I want that when we already have the best dollhouse ever?"

I love them.

Ellie and Eleanor.  
They have class together again this year and are sooo happy about it (as are both sets of parents :)

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Botanical Garden (I wish this was my garden)

How do they do this????
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End of Summer Wrap-Up

Ellie finally won at solitaire.  And just in time....
 She was beginning to think the game was a scam.

And we snuck in one more swim before our pools closed. 

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