Monday, August 15, 2011

Ellie's First Day of Kindergarten!

The day started early---before the sun came up.  Both Ellie and Quincy were ready, though.  When we woke them up in the morning, Quincy sprang out of bed like Tiger in the Winnie the Pooh Books.  We had a delicious breakfast of Cheerios and then walked out to the bus stop.
I was afraid Ellie would tear up or be afraid.  Looks like I was wrong!  She could not wait to get on!  My baby's growing up....
Her first-day lunch?  Melon balls, goldfish, raisins, milk, and an avocado-turkey-spinach sandwich.
Next year is Quincy's turn....Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The First Broken Bone

And hopefully the last.  At least it was only a toe....but it will keep her out of ballet for the first few weeks.  Boooo...(Taken with my phone...)
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Chocho's and Coco's Birthdays

There reaches a time in every little girl's life that they decide when their baby doll's birthday is and then they decide to throw her (or him?) a party.  That day came a few weeks ago for the girls and oddly enough it was both of their doll's one-year birthdays....really odd since they have had these dolls for 2-3 years.  Anyway, I made pink cake-pops to celebrate the day, stuck a candle in one, sang Happy Birthday to both, and then blew out the candle.  After the cake was gobbled up, Quincy gave each of the dolls their presents---wrapped in blankets.  It was soooo cute.  Tomorrow they go back to school and I am going to miss moments like these a ridiculous amount.  Sob...

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