Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Random September Photos

My good friend, Brooke, has finally (!!!) received her referral for her daughter, Nola, from China.  I say finally as she turned her dossier in to China only six months after we did for our first adoption but right after that things changed in the adoption world and the wait-times increased drastically.  She has now been waiting close to 5 years (!) for her daughter.  But the wait is about to be over....soon she will be in China with her baby girl in her arms.  Knowing that the time is soooo close, we cleaned out our "baby-stuff storage" and gave a lot of our favorite items to Brooke for Nola.  One of the things given was the play-station (above) that Quincy used for about three months until she learned how to walk.  When the girls came down stairs one day last week and saw that thing waiting to be placed in my car, they had a great time playing with it in their last hoorah (spell?). 

Posted by PicasaOn a totally different subject, Quincy has turned into an OCD, acorn-collecting nut!  Every single day she comes home from school I pull close to twenty (20!) acorns out of her pockets (and toss them back outside for the squirrels).   On the days that I forget to clean out her pockets, I eventually find them in the washer or dryer after laundry.