Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Quincy goes to Court

Last month, Tim and I took Quincy to court to petition for a United States birth certificate. The laws vary state-to-state, but our state requires an appearance in front of a judge for the order to go through. Once the order has been met, we take the order to GA's Department of Vital Statistics and we fill out the form to gain her US birth certificate. I'm not quite sure how this all ends up as we haven't gone to Vital Statistics yet, but supposedly when everything is said and done, Quincy will have a certificate that lists Tim and myself as her birth parents. Neat, huh?

p.s. This is the face Quincy makes when we say "smile".

Quincy checking out the surroundings as we waited in the judge's chambers.
However, she soon became uber-bored and a tad fussy.....
The judge who handled our case was the Chief Judge for the Superior Court of Fulton County. It was actually an honor to sit with her and answer her questions. They weren't interview-type questions...she was actually very interested in the whole adoption process (and she couldn't get enough of Quincy...which we completely understand!!!).