Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's been awhile----we've been busy---sorry!!

So, after months of working on our house until the wee hours of the night, we finally put it up on the market. Our real estate agent told us "your house is never perfect until the day you put it up for sale". She was right. It is perfect.....but too far from our jobs. Hence the move.....we wish we could take our tiny-little house and move it to the suburbs, but no-such-luck.
This picture is just sooo pretty I had to stick it in.....
Quincy just discovered pockets.....
Our new lot where our new monster/suburb house will be built.....hey, but I saw my very first blue-bird (ever) here on this day. So there ARE good things about selling out and moving to the 'burbs, right??? Tim and I have been trekking up to the model-house/show-room every weekend to pick out all the stuff that is required for the house (carpet, hardwood floors, tile, etc). Quincy likes to hang out at the top of the stairs and look at all the people on these days....