Monday, October 29, 2007

Changing Seasons....

Switching gears from Summer clothes to Fall/Winter clothes....

A few weeks ago was picture day at Quincy's school. This is the outfit she wore. She had a beautiful white bow in her hair when I dropped her off in the morning and beautiful macaroni-and-cheese smeared all over her pretty dress when I picked her up in the afternoon. Thankfully the photographers took the photos before lunch....

We have an old, decrepit retaining wall in the front of our house that Quincy loves to walk up and down next to and then climb the stairs. I took this picture not because of the wall or the fact that Quincy likes to walk next to it. I took it as this was the day before I cleaned out her closet and packed away all of her summer clothes. Cleaning it out was a horrible experience (Bridgit, I KNOW you can relate to this) as it was like letting go of a part of her that is so special to me. I packed away all the pretty dresses that I purchased for her in China that she will never be able to wear again. Quincy is growing up and it's bittersweet...

One of my all-time favorite students is a complete nut (as is her sister, who, coincidentally, is also one of my favorite students)! She completely was not interested in Physics in the slightest bit so she would sit in my class and knit/crochet rather than listen to me teach. This is one of the two hats that she made for's also my favorite hat of hers!

Just a happy day in the life of Quincy....she likes cool weather (but don't we all???).

Quincy's birthday weekend pictures will follow shortly....bye!