Monday, November 4, 2013

October, Part 3: 7 is the new 6

Quincy's now 7!
......and the girls get big (!) birthday parties on their 7th.
But... since Quincy's actual birthday was on a schoolday, she got a rootbeer float with a candle in it rather than a cake.
She did get to open her gifts on her special day, though.
Yep, she's still all about unicorns.
Ellie's gift to Quincy was wrapped inside of an old light fixture box.
When Quincy opened it she thought that was her gift.
Ellie cracked up.
Of course Ellie didn't give Quincy a light fixture....
.....she gave her exactly what Quincy loves: 
Things that are pink and cuddly.
(pix from her big party coming soon).
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