Sunday, August 4, 2013

The end of summer :(

The tail-end of summer was just. so. awesome. 
We had absolutely no obligations
and we just got good and bored. 
*pleasant sigh*
We did a lot of reading (me, too!)
The girls played with their besties.

...and I played with some of mine, too!
We lounged in our pajamas some days until noon.

Ellie finally (!) lost a tooth (without the dentist's help)! 
 Quincy grew some more.
 The girls finally got Uncle Eric in the Big Bouncy House....
...and played a lot (and I mean a LOT) of chess....
...and played in the pool (without having to worry about how fast they were swimming). 
...Ellie finally started gymnastics (she has been asking for over a year)... 

...and went to an art camp (I think their paintings are evidence that their left brains are stronger than their right brains at this point in time....)
...and they made me nervous.
It was just a great summer. 

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