Friday, June 28, 2013

Divisionals at GA Tech's Olympic Pool


 We had to meet the bus at 6:15 in the morning to get the kids down to GA Tech where they got to swim in the 1996 Olympic pool! 

Warm up:  The pool was HUGE and colddddd....and the starting blocks were about four feet above the water's surface (which is very different than a normal-meet's pool).


  Quincy's FR relay-team came in 1st place and they blew the competition out of the water...
....I mean 2nd place wasn't even close... 
 Next up was Quincy's 25 Free---she came in 7th over-all for the County Division!

 ...the little kids needed help getting out of the pool (which was built back in 1996 for the HUGE Olympic athletes). 

Next up was Ellie... 
Ellie aged-up this year so is swimming with a bunch of kids who are a couple years older than her but she held her own and did great!  She beat her Psych sheet standings/ranks in all events!

Tim was timing the meet so he was on deck with the kids for the whole meet.  I ended up totally lucking out and was given an arm band to allow me to get on deck to grab some photos.

Our coaches during the awards ceremony...

 The girls and a couple of their relay buddies...

...and Quincy and Coach Kevin (who she kinda' likes :)
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