Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Summer Slow-down

 Now that swim team is over for the summer we can finally begin our normal summer routine of getting bored (because that's when creativity happens, right???).
The girls have been playing with their Legos.....

 ....watching out-door movies  (we got a new fish for the pond, named her Ponyo, and then watched Ponyo, of course, to celebrate!)...

 ...we've been reading....
 ...and getting around to writing thank-you-notes to last year's teachers (they are, oddly-enough, all working this summer so were around when we delivered them)...
...and playing games (in full princess-dress, of course---Clue is our current favorite)....
 ...and watching Bruce, the bunny, eat all the leaves off our Quince shrubs (we love Bruce, so we don't mind)....
 ...the girls have been sleeping with each other every night....
 ...and playing with friends....
...and playing dress-up with Otis.  Summer is finally here.  Ahh....