Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Patrick's day in Savannah

We went down to Savannah for St. Patrick's Day weekend and were able to go to the parade since it fell on a weekend.  It was soooo much fun....a very much needed day of fun for all.  Below are some crazy photos from the day.
Above is Father Patrick O'Brien who did Judy's funeral mass.  Bill describes him as the most beloved/popular man in Savannah.  I've only met him twice but I can totally see why he has this title.
The Budweiser Clydesdales were there advertising, well, beer---it was St. Paddy's Day in Savannah after all.  They were soooo soo big and just sooo beautiful....I want one.  I'm going to ask beg Dwayne if he will get one and stick it on his property so we can ride it this summer.
When the troops marched by there wasn't a dry eye around .
Uncle Bill and the girls.
Ryan and his beautiful girlfriend, Sarah, came in from college for the weekend.  They are both kid-magnets (and would both make GREAT teachers!).  The girls love them....
Uncle Joe marched in the parade with the Ancient Order of Hibernians (an old Irish Catholic Fraternal Organization that you can only get into if someone passes their membership to you).  It is tradition in the parade for all the girls to go up to any men marching in the parade and plant a kiss on them.  Uncle Joe got one from Aunt Liz, but he also got one (two?) from the girls.   
.....as did one of the local law enforcement officers....

Finally the group we were waiting for actually arrived:  The BC Cadets (Patrick is one so he was marching AND getting kissed---which I do not think he was at all happy about!). 

Patrick was actually completely okay with high-fiving Jack....
...but he was most definitely not happy that all the girly-relatives rushed to plant a smooch on him (super-embarrassed actually due to the fact that he was marching with all his peers). 
Quincy, lucky for me, wouldn't let go of Patrick until I was able to get a shot of him smiling.  Thanks Patchy!

The water in one of the fountains was colored green for the day...
...which everyone thought was awesome!

After the parade we went back to the house where Joe did what he is just sooo really good at:  Entertaining the kids (he is a kid-magnet, too!).