Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Happy Halloween! 
The night started with a super fun party at my friend Julie's house.  She made the best, most creative spread of spooky treats---including "Bloody Maley Mix" (non-alcoholic!).  The girls LOVED it!!!!
Ellie and Quincy went as flowers this year---Ellie was a sunflower and Quincy was a rose.

Their first house of the evening....

....and their first treat!
One of the houses was a little scary so Ellie did that one solo....

...but they all thought the Wolfman was a friendly little puppy....

I don't have a clue who/what this was but it was cute so I snapped a photo.....

 Last up was the super-spooky cemetary...but since the girls have no idea what a cemetary is they weren't fazed at all!

The girls were sooo tired by the time we got back home they fell asleep on the stairs while Tim and I were taking the dogs out and unpacking the car.  This was the best year ever for Halloween! 
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