Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ellie's Last T-Ball Game

Today was Ellie's last T-Ball game of the season. It was also the last time she will get to play with the GREAT group of kids that were on both her T-Ball team and her soccer team. Next season the sports league she plays in separates the kids by gender. It's kind-of sad...the kids all get along great but the parents all get along great, too! So great that we will still socialize with a lot of the parents even though our kids will now be on different teams.  So, not too sad....
Getting her last pep-talk before her last at-bat....

Her last at-bat....and it was solid!

Her last run into home....

...And her last time being carried off the T-ball field by Dad....we're switching back to soccer next season! 

And then year-round swim team in two years???? 
Keeping my fingers crossed....
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