Friday, July 22, 2011


Ellie and Quincy have the most wonderfully perfect swim instructor, Emily.  She is a beloved former AP Physics student of mine who also is one of the Fabulous Three trio of babysitters we used for two  years while they were all still in high school (we now use the trio as vacation house-sitters when they are home from college).  In addition to being super smart and ridiculously fun, she is also an AWESOME swimmer who has a knack to get the little ones to swim really well considering their young ages.  Above is a video of Ellie doing the butterfly---at five years old!  Considering Ellie's first time in a pool was only two years ago I think this is just amazing (well, I actually think Ellie is amazing!). 

...and Quincy (age 4) doing backstroke....

...and Ellie doing freestyle.....

...and Quincy doing freestyle.  I am soooo proud of them!