Monday, June 14, 2010

Destin, Part 4

Last week our family, along with two other families, traveled to Florida for a great week of R & R. The other two families, the Kirkendall's and the Schroeder's, we met during our first adoption journey to China close to three years ago. We vowed way back then that we would get together once a year and so far we have kept that promise (except last year since we were back in China!). These families share a wonderful history with us, but we have soo much more in common than just that HUGE bond. We are all so similar in so many ways and we really just have a great time whenever we see each other.....I wished we lived closer to each other! But since we don't it's a good thing we have unlimited minutes on our cell phone plans....

During the week I took over 1500 photos and I am just plain stumped on how to describe each I won't. Just know that a wonderful time was had by ALL....We all felt very safe swimming under the protection of the lifeguards. The moms with the little ones....
The Kirkendall's....
The Schroeder clan (there's a lot of them!).