Sunday, April 19, 2009

Introducing Ellie HanMei!

We get to leave on May 6th to bring Ellie HanMei home!!! Our Gotcha Day is Monday, May 11th! We will have our camera and laptop in China with us and we will load pictures daily (which is a huge change from the frequency that I currently upload pictures!).

Below is Ellie at age 2 years.
Below is Ellie at age 2.5 years.

And...below is Ellie at 3 years of age. Her third birthday was April 11th....and it was a HARD day knowing that we could not be with her. Quincy sang Happy Birthday to Ellie HanMei all was simultaneously both cute and sad.....

Okay...the best for last. Last week we received updated information on Ellie so we would know her size and could bring along clothes that would fit. In addition to the update, they sent along new photos (see immediately above) AND two short 5 second long videos of her walking! For obvious reasons, this is a HUGE deal to us!