Monday, March 24, 2008

Three Solid Weeks of Sick

Quincy went almost two whole months without even so much as a runny nose. That changed about three weeks ago when we had our first middle-of-the-night trip to the ER (104.5 fever...). Since that visit we have officially changed Quincy's name to Typhoid Quincy. She has had some sort of ailment every day since then...(kind of like her hypochondriac mother, but her ailments are real, not imagined).

Notice in the photo below the "Under Contract" sign in our yard. It took seven whole days of being on the market....what a HUGE relief that we won't have two mortgages (but completely bittersweet).

Last Wednesday it looked like she was finally getting well so Tim went out and purchased Quincy her very own rocket ship. But...she must have pick up another yet another virus on her latest mission to Mars as she became sick (again) on Thursday....just in time for my two aunts and my cousin (who have never seen Quincy before) to come in to town. Bummer for all....