Sunday, November 18, 2007

The First Hair-Cut (and Black-eye!!)

Quincy's hair was finally long enough to take her in for a much-needed trim. We took her to a funky children's hair cuttery in downtown Decatur that we had made reservations at a week prior. I was so excited as her hair really needed to be cleaned-up, but I was also excited as it was another "first" that I could take pictures of for her future photo album of life (Tim thinks I am sooo lame for doing this). The only problem was the night before we took her in, she fell and got her first official black-eye with a rather large face-scratch to go along with it. AND, as if that wasn't bad enough, after her hair cut, her bangs weren't long enough to hide all of her older, yellowing face-bruises and they became painfully obvious (when she falls, she falls face-first). Oh, well. It will just make her photo-album more interesting....

The pictures are before, during, and after-cut pictures with the last one being at dinner afterwards looking all spiffy...