Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa's in the House... Again!

The Cookies

We hosted the Christmas party again this year for our circle of friends who all have kids the same age......and it was a blast!
Santa brought all the girls pajamas this year :)
The Big Girls 
This year we did a photo booth-ish area with photo props and it was a hit with everyone...and even more so with the adults as the night progressed :)
School is now finished for the term and we are officially slowing down to just sit and be a family.
I predict a lot of game playing and reading in store for the Maleys over the next two weeks...well at least for three of us---Tim is finishing up that dissertation for (hopefully) a graduation in May. 
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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Break......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Quincy had one of her two BFFs spend the first two days of break with us. 
The first day everyone  (including me) stayed in their PJs the whole day.  

The second day, however, we went all out:  Dutch Monkey Donuts for breakfast in the morning, Catch Air for some hard-core play before lunch, followed by ice skating with Uncle Bill, Aunt Liz and all the cousins before dinner.

THAT was a fun day!

Bill got rid of all his hair.  It's a good look for him.



Quincy took her snowball (that she spent close to an hour collecting) and placed it on Ryan's head.  She learned that little trick from Ryan so I don't feel too bad for her bad behavior :)

The girls and Jack played Guitar Hero
(the Wii was a gift from Uncle's Mike and Eric).
They had nooo idea what they were doing.
Neither do I.  It's a silly game.

Thanksgiving was also Aunt Jill's Birthday.

And we managed to get the tree and all the Christmas decorations up  :)

Just in time to go back to school :(

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ellie's 2nd grade Musical: Spaced Out!

Ellie's 2nd grade musical this year was all about the planets, our solar system, and our missions into space... and this musical was right up her ally.  Who knows how the future will play out for little Ellie-bean, but right now this girl has all the makings of an engineer.
My father was one of the aeronautical engineers who built the Space Shuttle(s) back in the day.  I wish both he and my mom could have seen this production. 
 They would have smiled :)   
Ellie's best friends and Ellie's teacher (who's almost ready to have a baby :) 

Biased opinion, but Ellie is sooo cute she looks like a human muppet!
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